
Similar to tooltip, popover allows you to display helper content and information to the user without taking up space in layouts. Popover are like tooltips but allow more customization and are typically used to larger blocks of information.


Popovers can be instantiated automatically via HTML through a combination of classes and data-attributes. Below is an example of a basic hover popover.

    class="btn js-popover"
    data-popover-title="Popover Title"
    data-popover-content="Aliqua commodo..."
    data-popover-event="click">Toggle popover</button>


Popovers be toggled by either hovering or clicking on the anchor element by setting the data-popover-event attribute to hover or click:

<button class="btn js-popover" data-popover-event="click" ...>Toggle popover</button>

<button class="btn js-popover" data-popover-event="hover" ...>Toggle popover</button>


Use the data-popover-direction option to set a popover in the desired position on the screen: Available directions are: top-left top top-right left right bottom-left bottom top-right

<button class="btn js-popover" data-popover-direction="top-right"...>Toggle popover</button>


Popover comes with two pre-built animations pop or fade which can be set via the data-popover-animation attribute on the anchor element.

<button class="btn js-popover" data-popover-animation="fade">Toggle popover</button>

<button class="btn js-popover" data-popover-animation="pop">Toggle popover</button>


Popover comes pre-styled with Frontbx's default contextual values set through the data-popover-variant attribute on the anchor element. Available variants are primary secondary info success warning & danger.

<button class="btn js-popover" data-popover-variant="primary"...>Toggle popover</button>


For basic HTML string content, simply use the data-popover-content and data-popover-title attributes with any required string content to populate the popover.

For more complex requirements point to the id of a hidden target element element in the DOM with the data-popover-content attribute. Remember to always include the # character before the ID as this differentiates it from it being interpenetrated as a string.

<button class="btn js-popover"
    data-popover-event="click">Toggle popover</button>
<div id="target-node" class="hidden bg-primary pad-20 color-white raised-4 border-radius text-bold">
    <p>Hello, I'm a custom node node!</p>


Data attributes placed on the anchor element define various behavior of the popover. The table below outlines the available options

Attribute Values Behavior
data-popover-variant primary secondary info
success warning danger
Sets the contextual of the popover.
data-popover-direction top-left top top-right
left right
bottom-left bottom top-right
Sets the direction of the popover.
data-popover-animation pop fade Sets the popover animation effect when it is displayed.
data-popover-title string The string to placed as the popover title.
data-popover-content string or node id #id The string to placed as the popover text content.
When a node id is provided, title is ignored.
data-popover-event click hover Defines whether the popover is displayed on :hover, or toggled with a click.
data-popover-classes String Any additional class-names to pass over the popover element.

JavaScript Instantiation

In cases where a popover is required through JavaScript, popovers can be created dynamically. There are a few minor differences in the options which are outlined below:

  1. An additional state value is available which can either be open or closed.
  2. An additional mandatory trigger value must be provided as HTMLElement which will be used as reference point for positioning the popover.
  3. The content value can be provided as either a String, DOMElement, or HTML NodeList:
let options =
    variant: 'info',
    direction: 'top-left',
    animation: 'fade',
    title: 'Hello World!',
    content: '...',
    event: 'click',
    classes: 'my-popover',
    trigger: find('.js-reference-element')

let popover = frontbx.Popover(options);

Once you have reference to a Popover instance the following methods are made available:

The hide method hides the popover:


The show method shows the popover:


The position method positions the popover relative to the anchor element:


Finally, the destroy method destroys the popover:


CSS Customization

Popovers use local CSS variables on .popover for enhanced component customization and styling. The base values are used by the UI to create all the variants. Values for the CSS variables are set via Sass, so pre-compilation customization is still supported too.

Default values are set in the scss/_config.scss file in Frontbx's source.

$popover-max-width:    270px !default;
$popover-shadow:       4 !default; // 0,1,2,3,4
$popover-font-size:    1.2rem !default;
$popover-title-size:   1.2rem !default;
$popover-radius:       var(--fbx-border-radius) !default;
$popover-pad-y:        1rem !default;
$popover-pad-x:        1.5rem !default;
$popover-bg:           var(--fbx-white) !default;     
$popover-color:        var(--fbx-gray-600) !default;
$popover-title-color:  var(--fbx-gray-700) !default;
$popover-title-border: 1px solid var(--fbx-gray-200) !default;
    --fbx-popover-max-width: 270px;
    --fbx-popover-shadow: 4;
    --fbx-popover-font-size: 1.2rem;
    --fbx-popover-title-size: 1.2rem;
    --fbx-popover-radius: var(--fbx-border-radius);
    --fbx-popover-pad-y: 1rem;
    --fbx-popover-pad-x: 1.5rem;
    --fbx-popover-bg: var(--fbx-white);
    --fbx-popover-color: var(--fbx-gray-600);
    --fbx-popover-title-color: var(--fbx-gray-700);
    --fbx-popover-title-border: 1px solid var(--fbx-gray-200);