
Backdrop provides access to an elevated surface providing additional app functionality such as filtering items, account access or displaying search results.


A Backdrop can be created via Frontbx's Container with the Backdrop method:

const backdrop = frontbx.Backdrop( {
    content : '...',

Push Body

By default, the Backdrop element will adapt the dimensions of the body. You can change this to push the body content instead by passing pushbody: true in the options:

const backdrop = frontbx.Backdrop( {
    content : '...',


Drawer direction can be manged by passing left|right|top|bottom to direction in the options.

const drawer = frontbx.Drawer({
    content : '<ul>...</ul>',
    direction: 'right'


By default, the Backdrop element itself is Swipeable when expanded. You can make the a backdrop swipeable with on the window when open or closed by adding the swipeable option. This means you can open and close the backdrop by simply swiping up or down on the window itself at any time.

const backdrop = frontbx.Backdrop({
    content   : '...',
    swipeable : true


Once a Backdrop instance is created, there are a few methods to interact with the drawer:

The open method will animate and open the drawer:;

The close method will animate and close the drawer:


The direction method returns the drawer state which will be either collapsed or expanded:

if (backdrop.state() === 'collapsed')


The state method returns the drawer state which will be either collapsed or expanded:

if (backdrop.state() === 'collapsed')


The opened method returns true if the drawer is open or false if not

if (backdrop.opened())


The closed method returns true if the drawer is closed or false if not

if (backdrop.closed())


Finally the destroy method completely removes the drawer from the DOM and all related event listeners:



There are a number of options for a Backdrop depending on a given purpose. The table below outlines the available options:

Option key Var Type Behavior Required Default
content string array nodelist HTMLElement Content to be displayed inside the drawer no null
pushBody Boolean Pushes body rather than adapting it's dimensions no false
animateOnMount Boolean Enables animating on initial mount. Defaults to true when state is expanded no false
swipeable boolean Enables swipes on the window to open/close drawer no false
state string Default state when first created can be either collapsed or expanded no expanded
easing string JavaScript easing pattern in camelCase no easeOut
animationTime Integer Animation duration in milliseconds. no 250
classes string Additional classes to pass to the drawer wrapper no dark
callbackBuilt function Callback function to be called when drawer is first built but not rendered. no null
callbackRender function Callback function to be called when drawer is first rendered into DOM. no null
callbackOpen function Callback function to be called when drawer is opened. no null
callbackClose function Callback function to be called when drawer is closed. no null
callbackValidate function Callback function to validate if drawer can be closed. Must return boolean no null

Note that all callbacks callbacks will receive the following arguments: containerWrap, drawer, overlay, bodyWrap

HTML Initialization

For basic use-cases where access to the underlying JavaScript is not required, Backdrop can be enabled through HTML markup via an anchor element with the .js-backdrop-trigger class.

For basic HTML string content, simply use the data-content attribute with any required string content to populate the Backdrop.

For more complex requirements point to the id of a hidden target element element in the DOM with the data-content attribute. Remember to always include the # character before the ID as this differentiates it from it being interpenetrated as a string.

All other options can be set through data-attributes on the anchor element in hyphen-case. For example to set the closeAnywhere option, you would set the data-close-anywhere="true" attribute.

<button type="button" class="btn js-backdrop-trigger" data-content="fd-content">Toggle</button>

<div id="fd-content">...</ul>

CSS Customization

Backdrop use a combination of both local CSS variables and Sass variables on .backdrop-wrap, .backdrop-overlay for enhanced component customization and styling.

Default values are set in the scss/_config.scss file in Frontbx's source.

$backdrop-height:               75vh !default;
$backdrop-peekable-height:      50px !default;
$backdrop-radius:               10px !default;
$backdrop-overlay-bg:           rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8) !default;
$backdrop-overlay-bg-dark:      rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !default;
    // Drawer
    --fbx-drawer-bg: #{$drawer-bg};
    --fbx-drawer-width: var(--fbx-backdrop-height);
    --fbx-drawer-size-peekable: #{$backdrop-peekable-height};

    // Overlay
    --fbx-drawer-overlay-bg: #{$backdrop-overlay-bg};
    --fbx-drawer-overlay-bg-dark: #{$backdrop-overlay-bg-dark};

    // Backdrop
    --fbx-backdrop-height: #{$backdrop-height};
    --fbx-backdrop-radius: #{$backdrop-radius};