
Dropdown provides end-users with a list of options on a temporary surface. It appears when the user interacts with a button, or other control.


A basic menu opens underneath the anchor element by default (positioning can be changed via class modifiers). To create a menu:

  1. Create a wrapper element with the .drop-container class.
  2. Nest any clickable element (usually .btn) with the .js-drop-trigger class to control the dropdown.
  3. Create the dropdown menu as the next sibling of the anchor element as .drop-menu.
  4. Nest your menu as .menu inside the dropdown.
<div class="drop-container">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-dropdown">Dropdown trigger</button>
    <div class="drop-menu js-drop-menu">
        <ul class="menu"> 
            <li>Menu 1</li>
            <li>Menu 2</li>
            <li>Menu 3</li>

Menu items have a few different options to provide additional content. To align content inside an item, wrap the main content in .item-body with left or right content in .item-left or .item-right:

<ul class="menu"> 
        <span class="item-left"><span class="fa fa-inbox color-gray-500"></span></span>
        <span class="item-body">Inbox</span>
        <span class="item-right"><span class="label">4</span></span>

Use .menu-divider on menu item to separate menu items or add .menu-header to the first item to give a menu a heading:

<ul class="menu"> 
    <li class="menu-header">Options</li>
    <li class="menu-divider"></li>

Dense menu

For larger menus with multiple items, you can use the .menu-dense modifier on .menu to reduce the padding and text size.

<div class="drop-container">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-dropdown js-drop-trigger">Dropdown trigger</button>
    <div class="drop-menu js-drop-menu">
        <ul class="menu menu-dense">
            <li class="menu-divider"></li>
            <li>Save As...</li>
            <li class="menu-divider"></li>
            <li>View Page Source</li>


Menu items come with a handful of convenient states to help with different use-cases. Add the classes .active .selected or .disabled to a list item to help provide context:

<ul class="menu">
    <li class="disabled">.disabled</li>
    <li class="active">.active</li>
    <li class="selected">.selected</li>
    <li class="checked">
        <span class="item-body">.checked</span>
        <span class="item-right"><span class="fa fa-check"></span>

Selected Menu

Dropdown offers three different options for selectable menus.

  1. .js-select-menu - Add this modifier class to the .menu to toggle the .selected class on items when clicked.
  2. .js-check-menu - Add this modifier class to the .menu to toggle the .checked class on items when clicked.
  3. .js-active-menu - Add this modifier class to the .menu to toggle the .active class on items when clicked.

Note that when using the .js-menu-check modifier, Frontbx will automatically include a checkmark on the checked item.

<div class="drop-container">
    <input type="hidden" name="menu" value="">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-dropdown js-drop-trigger">.js-select-menu</button>
    <div class="drop-menu js-drop-menu">
        <ul class="menu js-select-menu">
            <li>Option  1</li>
            <li>Option  2</li>
            <li>Option  3</li>
            <li>Option  4</li>
            <li>Option  5</li>
            <li>Option  6</li>

Additionally, adding the js-drop-selectable modifier to the anchor element will replace the anchor element innerText with the text of a selected menu item.

You may also nest a hidden input inside the .drop-container to store the input value of the selected menu item. If items have a data-value attribute - the input value will be updated to this attribute rather than the text of the menu item.

<div class="drop-container">
    <input type="hidden" name="menu" value="">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-dropdown js-drop-trigger js-drop-selectable">.js-select-menu</button>
    <div class="drop-menu js-drop-menu">
        <ul class="menu js-select-menu">
            <li data-value="1">Option  1</li>
            <li data-value="2">Option  2</li>
            <li data-value="3">Option  3</li>
            <li data-value="4">Option  4</li>
            <li data-value="5">Option  5</li>
            <li data-value="6">Option  6</li>


You can change the alignment of the dropdown to different directions by adding a directional class to the .drop-menu element. The directions are .drop-s .drop-se .drop-sw .drop-n .drop-ne .drop-nw

<div class="drop-container">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-dropdown js-drop-trigger">.drop-s</button>
    <div class="drop-menu drop-s js-drop-menu">


Dropdown height is sized via max-height on .menu. This value can be overidden via either Sass or CSS variables.

.drop-container {
    --fbx-dropdown-height: 300px;

Dropdown width is sized via min-width on .menu. This value can be overidden via either Sass or CSS variables. Longer text will wrap, however you can add menu-ellipsis to the menu to prevent this from happening

.drop-container {
    --fbx-dropdown-width: 160px;
<ul class="menu menu-ellipsis">  
    <li><span class="item-body">Menu item with additional text that spills over</span></li>


Add a caret to the button by using either a .caret-s or caret-n element inside inside the button or a caret icon

<button type="button" class="btn btn-dropdown js-drop-trigger">
    .caret-s <span class="caret-s"></span>


Add an arrow on the border of the dropdown using the .arrow with an arrow position arrow-[position] class. Arrow positions are .arrow-s .arrow-se .arrow-sw .arrow-n .arrow-ne .arrow-nw

<div class="drop-container">
    <div class="drop-menu drop-s arrow arrow-n js-drop-menu">

CSS Customization

Dropdown uses local CSS variables on .drop-container and .menu along with Sass variables for enhanced component customization and styling. The base values are used by the UI to create all the styling. Values for the CSS variables are set via Sass, so pre-compilation customization is still supported too.

    --fbx-dropdown-bg: var(--fbx-black);
.custom-drop .menu
    --fbx-menu-color: var(--fbx-white);
    --fbx-menu-item-color-hover: var(--fbx-white);
    --fbx-menu-item-color-active: var(--fbx-theme-primary);
    --fbx-menu-item-color-selected: var(--fbx-theme-primary);
    --fbx-menu-item-bg-hover: var(--fbx-gray-900);
    --fbx-menu-item-bg-active: var(--fbx-gray-900);
    --fbx-menu-item-bg-selected: var(--fbx-gray-900);
    --fbx-menu-divider-color: var(--fbx-gray-600);

Default values are set in the scss/_config.scss file in Frontbx's source.

// Dropdown
$dropdown-border-radius:        var(--fbx-border-radius) !default;
$dropdown-width:                160px !default;
$dropdown-height:               300px !default;
$dropdown-shadow-level:         2 !default;
$dropdown-bg:                   var(--fbx-white) !default;

// Menu
$menu-bg:                       var(--fbx-white) !default;
$menu-color:                    var(--fbx-gray-700) !default;
$menu-font-size:                1.3rem !default;
$menu-item-bg:                  transparent !default;
$menu-item-color-hover:         var(--fbx-gray-700) !default;
$menu-item-color-active:        var(--fbx-gray-700) !default;
$menu-item-color-selected:      var(--fbx-white) !default;
$menu-item-bg-hover:            var(--fbx-gray-200) !default;
$menu-item-bg-active:           var(--fbx-theme-info-100) !default;
$menu-item-bg-selected:         var(--fbx-theme-info) !default;
$menu-item-pad-y:               10px !default;
$menu-item-pad-x:               12px !default;
$menu-divider-color:            var(--fbx-gray-200) !default;
$menu-divider-space:            5px;
.drop-container {
  --fbx-dropdown-border-radius: var(--fbx-border-radius);
  --fbx-dropdown-width: 160px;
  --fbx-dropdown-height: 300px;
  --fbx-dropdown-bg: var(--fbx-white);
.menu {
    --fbx-menu-bg: var(--fbx-white);
    --fbx-menu-color: var(--fbx-gray-700);
    --fbx-menu-font-size: 1.3rem;
    --fbx-menu-item-color-hover: var(--fbx-gray-700);
    --fbx-menu-item-color-active: var(--fbx-gray-700);
    --fbx-menu-item-color-selected: var(--fbx-white);
    --fbx-menu-item-bg: transparent;
    --fbx-menu-item-bg-hover: var(--fbx-gray-200);
    --fbx-menu-item-bg-active: var(--fbx-theme-info-100);
    --fbx-menu-item-bg-selected: var(--fbx-theme-info);
    --fbx-menu-item-pad-y: 10px;
    --fbx-menu-item-pad-x: 12px;
    --fbx-menu-divider-color: var(--fbx-gray-200);
    --fbx-menu-divider-space: 5px;

JavaScript Instantiation

Dropdown can be instantiated via JavaScript to generate dynamic content on the fly. To create a Dropdown dynamically, use Frontbx's Component.Create method either via the frontbx.Dom or the Dropdown Component directly:

let options =
    anchorText: 'Basic',
        'Option One',
            left: '<span class="fa fa-sun"></span>',
            body: 'Option Two'
            left: '<span class="fa fa-sun"></span>',
            body: 'Option 3',
            right: '<span class="fa fa-user"></span>',

let container = document.querySelector('.my-container');

// Via Frontbx dom
frontbx.Dom().create('Dropdown', options, container);

// Or via Component directly
frontbx.Dom().component('Dropdown').create(options, container);

Below are the available options

Option Default Example Behavior
anchorTag button div Tag element for anchor element
anchorClass '' my-button Additional class name(s) on anchor element.
anchorText '' click me Text inside anchor element
caret false s Adds caret to anchor element - either n or s
position sw ne' Position of dropdown menu
dense false true Makes dense menu
ellipsis false true Makes dropdown menu text overflow ellipsis
checkable false true Checkable menu items with checkmarks
selectable false true Adds a hidden input and makes menu items selectable
input null myinput Hidden input name attribute when selectable is true
selected null option 2 Text or value of default selected item when selectable or checkable is true
items [] ['option 1', 'option 2'] Array of menu items as text or objects with sub item properties
items.item.left null {left:<span class="fa fa-sun"></span>' Optional HTML string of optional menu item left
items.item.right null {right: '<span class="fa fa-user"></span>' Optional HTML string of optional menu item right
items.item.body null {right: 'Option 1' Optional HTML string or text of optional menu item body
items.item.state null {state: 'selected' Optional Menu item state class